Target groups with high response

Target groups with high response

Rexago creates thousands of fresh data records every day. As the original producer and often the first in our industry with the data, we generate new data within new target groups.

With this overall view, we would like to introduce you to our current databases. These are either generated there and then or freshly revised. The data is collected in accordance with data protection requirements. Prices are available on request.

We will gladly identify new target groups which were previously unavailable for purchase. We can help out in many cases and prove our creativity.


Come and speak with us!

Company addresses

Address potential:

Total number: approx. 3.3 million.

New entries per quarter: approx. 20,000

Selection criteria:

  • Validity
  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person
  • Business sector
  • Further information available on request


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Companies not registered on commercial register: 100%

Acquisition period: quarterly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


The small businesses target group is in high demand. But why is it so difficult to generate and update this? The main reason for this is that many companies register under a different name. Sometimes they use a fictitious name, on other occasions their family name. Or they appear under different spellings. Often – having been previously registered – these companies remain under the same business directory even though this has long since become obsolete. Registration and deregistration details are not published as with the commercial register. This is precisely what makes it so difficult to collect or update this data.


We have an intelligent solution to this problem. Due to the fact that we send up to one million requests for address data to the Internet every day, similar to a search engine, we are constantly informed about which data is appearing on the market for the first time and which precise details of an address have changed in between times. The special trick here is to evaluate these resources correctly. The data is therefore allocated a particular score. This means you have the quality in your own hands and you can determine this.

Address potential Germany:

Total number: approx. 1.5 million

Monthly start-up companies: approx. 7,500

Monthly changes: approx. 15,000

Address potential Austria:

Total number: approx. 148,175

Monthly start-up companies: approx. 700

Monthly changes: approx. 3,000

Address potential Switzerland:

Total number: approx. 549,517

Monthly start-up companies: approx. 300

Monthly changes: approx. 11,000

Selection criteria:

  • Validity
  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person (director, management, etc.)
  • Business sector
  • Further information on request


Description: Company addresses

Origin: DE, A, CH

Source: public sources

Companies with commercial register entry: 100%

Acquisition period: daily

Delivery: weekly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


Start-up companies updated daily, changes in management and changes (excluding liquidations) to the commercial register D, A, CH


Every newly registered organisation, every change in management and also every business relocation must be published in the commercial register. The constant updating of such active addresses offers revenue opportunities. For example, a new managing director may be much more receptive to your product than one who has occupied this role for a long time. When companies relocate, this also brings about the need for new products. Companies are very keen to make new investments at this time. The data is updated daily and guarantees extremely low wastage and a high response rate. Especially for mail order businesses and companies.

Address potential:

Total number: approx. 45,000

Certified online shops: 15,039

Selection criteria:

  • postcode
  • telephone number
  • contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: 24 months

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


Addresses of web shop operators have only been available in the last few years. They are of particular interest to online payment providers or web shop system providers.


Here you can preselect information about your competitors. This business sector is rarely available from other publishers. We interpret the text on websites. This enables you, for example, to identify which credit cards are accepted in a particular web shop.

We supply the following details at additional cost:

  • Number of items in the shop
  • Is the shop certified? If yes, which certification(s) does it have?
  • Number of items in the shop
  • Order options, does this include by telephone? By fax?
  • Only with a customer account or also possible without this?
  • What payment options do they offer?
  • Customer types
  • Delivery options, which delivery service? Can delivery be tracked? Is delivery free based on a minimum order value?
  • Does the shop offer gift wrapped deliveries?
  • Is delivery possible to an alternative address or alternative person?
  • Does the shop have sales premises?
  • Check the VAT registration no.
  • What languages is the shop available in?
  • What official seal does the shop have?
  • Are there any public reviews?
  • Is there a customer loyalty programme?
  • Subsector definition: Under which description or with which keywords does the shop want to be found in search engines?

Particularly interesting for:

SEO agencies (search engine optimisers), payment service providers, packaging manufacturers, advertising agencies, logistics firms, e-commerce and much more.

Address potential:

Total number: approx. 80,000

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: half-yearly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


Would you like a brand new list of German companies that place ads in search engines?


Here you will find everything from service providers to web shop companies that spend money on online advertising. This new target group is particularly interesting for online businesses selling search engine optimisation (SEO). Because having the appropriate optimisation of your company website can save you advertising costs in the longer term, or at least reduce these significantly.

Particularly interesting for:

Online business directories, SEO agencies, advertising agencies, web agencies, search engine providers.

Address potential:

Total number: approx. 20,000

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: half-yearly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


Without having to do your own painstaking research, here you can access company addresses for retailers that sell their products on trade platforms and auction sites. The ideal target group, for example, for packaging manufacturers. Because such tradespeople have an extremely high daily requirement for packaging material. Even call centres that provide inbound telephone services surround themselves with this specialist data.

Particularly interesting for:

Packaging manufacturers, SEO agencies, payment service providers, advertising agencies, web agencies.


Address potential:

Total number: approx. 45,000

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: annually

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


Do you work in the advertising industry or run a printing business? Then just imagine if, for example, your customers were to receive a calendar sent by you and bearing your own company logo. A great first impression. And the first impression is precisely what matters when it comes to selling advertising material. Thus, whether you are a printing business or involved in the advertising industry, you can create totally specific and personalised advertising. We select logos from company websites. The resolution is normally suitable for print purposes. We would be happy to create a software programme for you that enables the logo size to be automatically adjusted.

Particularly interesting for:

Advertising industry, printing companies.

Address potential:

Total number: approx. 200,000

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: annually

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request


Companies that pay to be listed in business directories make an interesting target group for many people. These businesses mostly operate in a very traditional way and often have no marketing department or use an external advertising agency. You can therefore classify this target group as being highly influenced by advertising including in the offline advertising domain, for example, print ads. As a web agency, publisher (online or offline) or SEO agency, you have a good opportunity here to sell your products or services.

Particularly interesting for:

Web agencies, SEO agencies, publishers (online/offline).

Address potential Germany :

Total trademarks incl. images: approx. 50,000

New entries monthly: approx. 3,300

Total patents: approx. 50,000

New entries monthly: approx. 5,000

Total utility models: approx. 20,000

New entries monthly: approx. 940

Total trademarks incl. images: approx. 68,000

New entries monthly: approx. 3,885

Address potential Europe:

Total trademarks incl. images: approx. 590,000

New entries monthly: approx. 7,500

Total patents: approx. 265,000

New entries monthly: approx. 1,800

Selection criteria:

  • Validity
  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Business sector
  • Further information available on request



Description: Company addresses

Origin: DE, Europe

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: weekly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request

Special feature: Data can be supplied with images.

Special feature:

Data can be supplied with images.


We offer a comprehensive database of companies that own trademarks, patents and utility models. Especially after registering a new trademark, a lot of changes are made to advertising materials and business stationery. For example, such companies need new print materials and possibly changes to their external appearance such as neon signs. The changes are extremely varied.

Leave nothing to chance. Advertising is only effective whenever you are speaking to the right target audience!

Particularly interesting for:

Advertising firms, printing industry, advertising industry, consultancy firms, legal advisory services, business directory publishers.

Address potential:

Total number: approx. 50,000

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: half-yearly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request



This brand new list covers German hotels with lots of additional information. This data is highly popular, for example, with energy providers. For example, you can work out the hotel’s energy consumption based on the type of air conditioning and the number of rooms. Those are essential criteria that were never available until now. Colour in the grey area and only advertise within the criteria that have been selected for you. In this way, you will have limited wastage and can concentrate only the hard core of buyers.


We supply the following details at additional cost:

  • Number of rooms
  • Wellness landscape
  • Air conditioning
  • Locations
  • Reviews
  • and much more.

Particularly interesting for:

Energy providers, sauna manufacturers, heating/sanitary installation manufacturers, facility management, catering supplies, workwear suppliers.

Address potential:


Total number: approx. 70,000

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Contact person


Description: Company addresses

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: annually

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request



The estate agent target group is difficult to generate and update. The main reason for this is that many estate agents register under a different name or fail to deregister themselves from all the directories in the event of company liquidation. Sometimes they use a fictitious name, on other occasions their family name. Or they appear under different spellings. Often – having been previously registered – these companies remain under the same business directory even though this has long since become obsolete. Unlike with the commercial register, registrations and deregistrations are not published. This is precisely what makes it so difficult to collect or update this data. We have an intelligent solution to this problem. Due to the fact that we send up to one million requests for address data to the Internet every day, similar to a search engine, we are well aware of which data is appearing on the market for the first time and which details of an address have changed in between times. The special trick here is to evaluate these resources correctly. The data is therefore allocated an internal score so that you can determine the quality yourself.

Particularly interesting for:

Insurance companies, software manufacturers, banks, recruitment agencies.

Address potential:

  • Total medical addresses: 334,852
  • Overall doctors: 200,747
  • Dentists: 54,967
  • Vets: 11,386
  • Alternative practitioners: 25,734
  • Chemists: 22,639
  • Mail order pharmacies: 3,219
  • Nursing/care homes: 10,904
  • Rehab clinics/centres: 368
  • Clinics/hospitals: 4,888

Selection criteria:

  • Postcode
  • Contact person
  • Telephone number
  • Qualification (e.g. general practitioner)
  • Specialist area (e.g. radiology)


Description: Freelancers and tradespeople

Origin: Germany

Source: public sources

Acquisition period: half-yearly

Usage rights: Rental

Prices: on request



The doctors target group is difficult to generate and update. The main reason for this is that doctors use different spellings for their corporate identity. Furthermore, these names often remain in directories and sit there over time even though the particular directory has long since become obsolete. As a freelance operator, details of their registering or deregistering their business are virtually never published. Unlike with the commercial register – this is precisely what makes it so difficult to collect or update this data.


We have an intelligent solution to this problem. Due to the fact that we send up to one million requests for address data to the Internet every day, similar to a search engine, we are well aware of which data is appearing on the market for the first time and which details of an address have changed in between times. The special trick here is to evaluate these resources correctly. The data is therefore allocated an internal score so that you can determine the quality yourself.

Particularly interesting for:

Pharmaceutical industry, medical equipment manufacturers, business directories, energy providers, stationery suppliers, publishers.

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